Dining in the Holy Land-2000 Years Ago- Potage Apicius

Dining in the Holy Land-2000 Years Ago- Potage Apicius

    Potage Apicius

    2 cups chicken stock
    1 chicken breast, boned
    1/2 cup + 2 tsp. margarine
    350 gr. smoked beef tongue, in thin slices
    1/2 cup mushrooms, chopped coarsely
    350 gr. lasagna noodles
    12 cups chicken consomme
    1/2 tsp. black pepper
    pinch nutmeg
    1/4 tsp. lemon juice
    salt as required


    Bring the chicken stock to a boil in a saucepan and cook the chicken breast thoroughly in the stock. Drain the breast and puree the meat finely.

    Melt 2 tsp. of the margarine in a skillet and saute the mushrooms lightly. With a slotted spoon, remove the mushrooms and set aside to keep warm. In the same skillet, lightly saute the tongue slices, adding margarine only if the skillet becomes dry. Set aside the tongue slices to keep warm.

    Bring a large amount of lightly salted water to the boil in a large saucepan and plunge in the lasagna noodles. Drain the noodles immediately and rinse them under cold running water.

    In a separate saucepan, bring the consomme to the boil and boil until reduced by nearly half. When the consomme is reduced, add the remaining margarine, the pepper and the nutmeg. Simmer the lasagna noodles in this liquid for 20 minutes. Remove from the flame. Transfer the lasagna noodles to a large mixing bowl. Cover the consomme and let stand until ready for further use. Add the pureed chicken breast to the noodles and mix well with a wooden spoon.

    Place one layer of the lasagna noodles in a soup tureen. Distribute a layer of tongue slices on the noodles, and then spread the mushrooms over the tongue slices. Continue to build layers like this until the noodles and tongue are all used. Pour over the consomme and serve immediately. (Serves 8)

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